Berkeley Security Seminar: Fall 2023
The Berkeley Security Seminar strives to foster greater discussion and collaboration between researchers at Berkeley and outside researchers and engineers who work on large-scale security and privacy. Once or twice a month, we bring in an external speaker for a technical talk on Wednesdays from 11:00AM to 12:00pm on Zoom and in-person, followed by individual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty. Please see the Current Seminar Schedule for this semester's talks. We also have a public Google calendar you can subscribe to for up-to-date changes and talk reminders.
Speaker Schedule
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract |
August 30 | Hanshen Xiao (MIT) | Learnable Encryption and PAC Privacy | [LINK] |
September 6 | Kevin Lewi (Meta) | WhatsApp Key Transparency | [LINK] |
September 20 | Danny Y. Huang (NYU) | Global IoT Testbed for Security and Privacy Research | [LINK] |
September 27 | Alin Tomescu (Aptos Labs) | UTT: Sensibly-Anonymous Decentralized Payments without zkSNARKs | [LINK] |
October 18 | Andres Erbsen (MIT) | Proving an Embedded Server from RISC-V to X25519 over UDP | [LINK] |
October 25 | Antigoni Polychroniadou | ||
November 1 | Miranda Wei | (Anti-)Security Advice in Online Abuse Contexts | [LINK] |
November 7 | Alexandra Henzinger | Private Web Search with Tiptoe | [LINK] |
November 8 | Aditi Partap (Stanford) | Traitor tracing for threshold decryption | [LINK] |