Berkeley Security Seminar: Spring 2018
The Berkeley Security Seminar strives to foster greater discussion and collaboration between researchers at Berkeley and outside researchers and engineers who work on large-scale security and privacy. Once or twice a month, we bring in an external speaker for a technical talk on Fridays from 11:30am to 12:30pm in 373 Soda Hall, followed by individual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty. Please see the Current Seminar Schedule for this semester's talks.
Speaker Schedule
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract |
Feb 2 | John Whaley, UnifyID | Real-world challenges and opportunities in implicit authentication | [LINK] |
Feb 23 | Travis McPeak, Netflix | Least Privilege: Security Gain without Developer Pain | [LINK] |
Mar 5 (Mon) 12pm in 380 Soda DATE + TIME CHANGE | Brian Witten, Symantec | Internet of Things Security | [LINK] |
Apr 9 (Mon) 12pm in 380 Soda DATE + TIME CHANGE | Elissa Redmiles, UMD College Park | User Demand for Spam and Dancing Pigs: Measuring Security Behavior | [LINK] |
Apr 13 | Tudor DumitraČ™, UMD College Park | Measurements, predictions, and the puzzle of machine learning: what data from 10 million hosts can teach us about security | [LINK] |
Apr 20 | Steven Englehardt, Princeton | No boundaries: Data exfiltration by third-party tracking scripts | [LINK] |
Apr 27 | Kat Joyce, Google | Certificate Transparency (and other stories) | [LINK] |
Apr 30 (Mon) 12pm 11am DATE + TIME CHANGE | Asaf Cidon, Barracuda Networks | Fully Automated Online Spear Phishing Detection | [LINK] |