Berkeley Security Seminar: Fall 2016
The Berkeley Security Seminar strives to foster greater discussion and collaboration between researchers at Berkeley and outside researchers and engineers who work on large-scale security and privacy. Once or twice a month, we bring in an external speaker for a technical talk on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm in 380 Soda Hall, followed by individual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty. Please see the Current Seminar Schedule for this semester's talks.
Speaker Schedule
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract |
Sep 9 | Eric Rescorla, Mozilla | The TLS 1.3 Protocol | [LINK] |
Oct 14 | Janek Klawe, Square | Mobile Software Tamper Detection | [LINK] |
Oct 28 | Riyaz Faizullabhoy, Docker | When the Going Gets Tough, Get TUF Going! | [LINK] |
Nov 18 | Ling Ren, MIT | Solidus: An Incentive-compatible Cryptocurrency Based on Permissionless Byzantine Consensus | [LINK] |
Dec 212:30 PM (TIME CHANGE) | Chris Palmer, Google | Exploit Mitigations vs. True Solutions | [LINK] |