Berkeley Security Seminar: Spring 2017

The Berkeley Security Seminar strives to foster greater discussion and collaboration between researchers at Berkeley and outside researchers and engineers who work on large-scale security and privacy. Once or twice a month, we bring in an external speaker for a technical talk on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm in 373 Soda Hall, followed by individual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty. Please see the Current Seminar Schedule for this semester's talks.

Speaker Schedule

Date Speaker Title Abstract
(Co-Hosted w/ CLTC)
Mikko Hypponen, F-Secure Fighting Organized Online Crime [LINK]
Feb 24 Felix Günther, Technische Universität Darmstadt Establishing Secure Connections:
A Cryptographer's Perspective and the Case of TLS 1.3
Mar 10 Giulia Fanti, UIUC/CMU Anonymity in the Bitcoin Peer-to-Peer Network [LINK]
Mar 17 Mahnush Movahedi, Yale University Scalable and Secure Distributed Computing [LINK]
April 14 Matthew Green, Johns Hopkins University Applied Kleptography [LINK]

Info for Speakers

The audience for this seminar typically consists of PhD students, postdocs, and faculty in the security group at Berkeley. Given the nature of this audience, speakers should give concrete, technical talks (similar to talks at academic security conferences); expect lots of questions and technical discussion! The most well-received talks have focused on discussing one or two specific projects in depth; broad overview and recruiting talks are not an appropriate fit for this forum. If you conduct work on important security and privacy issues and are interested in giving a technical talk, please contact Grant Ho (grantho@cs)!

Past Seminars

Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Security Lab