Berkeley Security Seminar: Spring 2023

The Berkeley Security Seminar strives to foster greater discussion and collaboration between researchers at Berkeley and outside researchers and engineers who work on large-scale security and privacy. Once or twice a month, we bring in an external speaker for a technical talk on Wednesdays from 11:00AM to 12:00pm on Zoom and in-person, followed by individual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty.
Please see the Current Seminar Schedule for this semester's talks. We also have a public Google calendar you can subscribe to for up-to-date changes and talk reminders.

Speaker Schedule

Date Speaker Title Abstract
January 18 Ulfar Erlingsson (Lacework) The New Normal: Achieving Security in an Ever-Changing Cloud [LINK]
February 1 Derek Leung (MIT) Aardvark: An Asynchronous Authenticated Dictionary with Applications to Account-based Cryptocurrencies [LINK]
February 8 Neekon Vafa (MIT) MacORAMa: Optimal Oblivious RAM with Integrity [LINK]
February 15 Jiaheng Zhang (UC Berkeley) Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof: Theory and Practice [LINK]
February 22 Baltasar Dinis Restart-Rollback: a novel fault model for persistent distributed systems [LINK]
March 8 Elissa Redmiles (Max Planck Institute) Learning from the People: Responsibly Encouraging Adoption of Privacy-Sensitive Contact Tracing Apps [LINK]
March 15 Christian Knabenhans (ETH Zurich) Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption [LINK]
March 22 Alexandra Henzinger (MIT) One Server for the Price of Two: Simple and Fast Single-Server Private Information Retrieval [LINK]
March 29 Srinath Setty (MSR) High-speed proof systems for general-purpose computation [LINK]
April 5 Miranda Christ (Columbia) Limits on revocable proof systems, with applications to stateless blockchains [LINK]
April 12 Rahul Sharma Can Secure Inference be as Fast as Plaintext? [LINK]
April 19 Erwin Quiring Adversarial Preprocessing. An overlooked threat for ML [LINK]
May 3 Megha Srivastava and Neil Perry (Stanford) Do Users Write More Insecure Code with AI Assistants? [LINK]
June 28 Shweta Shinde TEEtime: A New Architecture for Bringing Sovereignty to Smartphones [LINK]
July 26 Sourav Das (UIUC) Practical Asynchronous High-threshold Distributed Key Generation and Distributed Polynomial Sampling [LINK]

Info for Speakers

The audience for this seminar typically consists of PhD students, postdocs, and faculty in the security group at Berkeley. Given the nature of this audience, speakers should give concrete, technical talks (similar to talks at academic security conferences); expect lots of questions and technical discussion! The most well-received talks have focused on discussing one or two specific projects in depth; broad overview and recruiting talks are not an appropriate fit for this forum. If you conduct work on important security and privacy issues and are interested in giving a technical talk, please contact Emma Dauterman (edauterman@)!

Past Seminars

Fall 2022
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Spring 2020
Fall 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
Spring 2017
Fall 2016
Spring 2016
Fall 2015
Spring 2015

Security Lab