Nelly Porter
June 24, 2022 at 1:00 PM on Zoom / Soda Hall
Protecting Your Data on Google Cloud with Confidential Computing
Abstract: Today, when customers run their VMs, containers or apps on GCP, our infrastructure is in their trust boundary. Customers want to keep their data confidential, and end to end encrypted when processed in the cloud. Some customers do not want to trust Google's highly-privileged cloud personnel or worry about infrastructure 0-days, and are unwilling or unable to move some workloads to the public cloud until they have a solution to this issue. To address customers' requirements, we started on the journey of Confidential Computing with Confidential VMs, Confidential GKE, and Confidential Hadoop and Spark.
Bio: Nelly Porter is a Product lead with GCP, Cloud Security, leading End to end Data protection story in Google and with industry. Nelly is working on multiple security areas in Google, from trusted infrastructure to the Confidential Computing and Encryption, Secure Software Supply Chain. Nelly has over 10+ years experience in platform and virtualization security, PKI, crypto, authentication and authorization field, 25 patents and defensive publications. Prior to working at Google, Nelly spent some time working in Microsoft in the virtualization and security space, HP Labs in clustering, and Scientix (Israel) as a firmware and kernel eng lead.