Martin Casado
Apr 3, 2015 at 12:00 PM in 380 Soda Hall
Title: Network Virtualization : What it is, and how it is being used
Virtualization has been a part of networking since its inception. The examples are numerous, VLANs, VRFs, MPLS, overlays, logical contexts, etc. Traditionally virtualization primitives have been used to achieve end to end dataplane functionality such as fault isolation, security or mobility, however operational practices have remained largely the same requiring distributed state management over topologically significant identifiers. More recently, full network virtualization has started to gain traction in industry with the purpose of changing the operational model of networks. The core concept is simple, expose virtual networks that can be managed via a single abstraction and are fully topologically independent. In this talk, I'll provide an overview of network virtualization as it is thought of in industry, adoption trends, and the most common use cases.